Announcing Two New Pocket Games!
In June/July Devir Games will launch two new Pocket games, just in time for summer! The Pocket series is great for any situation; these are games that can be played anytime, anywhere. Enjoy them chilling by the pool, in the airport, or after the cookout with your friends and family.

Blind Business:
In Blind Business you are trying to trick your opponents into taking games from your hand while everyone is trying to assemble the best set of cards. But here’s the rub: you can see your opponents’ hands but you can’t see yours! Cards feature cool and funny art with a 1930’s animation theme. We instantly fell in love with this game and knew we had to publish it.

Yokai Sketch:
In Yokai Sketch you vie for control of rows of cards (featuring sketches of the elusive Yokai, of course), trying to get the majority in the row to take the trick but also hoping your opponents don’t play Yokai that invoke rule-breaking special effects. This is a clever and lovely game set in the world of the Kemushi Saga (Bitoku, Bamboo, Silk…) that you can play for hours on end.
Look for the new Pockets in June!