Become a star in Rock Hard 1977!
It is 1977. You are an up-and-coming musician, dreaming of making it big with your band. Over the next few months, you will dedicate yourself to rehearsing, performing, writing songs and promoting your group in the hopes of making a name for yourself in the music scene. With careful planning and a little luck, you will become more famous than others and become the best new artist of the year.
Designed by Jackie Fox and illustrated by Jennifer Giner, Rock Hard: 1977 allows games for groups of between 2 and 5 players, ages 14 and up, in sessions of between 45 and 90 minutes. Through worker placement, objective resolution, and event mechanics, players will take on the role of a rising rock star and compete to earn the most Fame points over several rounds of play.

The author of the game, Jackie Fox, was the bassist of the group The Runaways, an all-female American rock band that thrilled thousands of people in the 1970s. The band's music, including the hit “Cherry Bomb”, has been featured in numerous films and television shows. Additionally, Jackie Fox is a four-time Jeopardy! champion and former entertainment attorney. A great fan of board games, the author has captured in Rock Hard 1977 all her first-person knowledge of the industry and the era to create a deeply thematic experience. The art of Jennifer Giner also contributes to this immersion, who has worked with watercolors to bring to life the different characters and the spectacular cover of the box.
The components
The game has a dream production. Inside the box, which is already a small work of art, there are a lot of components designed to create the best possible gaming experience. The main element is the game board, printed on two sides, where a large part of the game will take place. At the top there is the fame point track and the round track, as well as space for event cards and turn order. In the central part there are the different places that players can visit, divided into three segments: day, night and after hours.
One of the most striking elements of the game are its individual boards. Designed in the shape of an amplifier, the dials on the top serve to keep track of the character's characteristics (chops, reputation and songs), which will improve throughout the game. In the central part is placed one of the 10 different character boards, where a unique ability is described as well as the gender and its specialty.

Each component of the game is designed with care. The turn order tokens, for example, are actual picks; the dollar bills look like the real thing (they're full of modified details to avoid confusion), and the character pawns, which are used to mark each player's actions on the main board, feature high-quality acrylic supports. You will find several sets of cardboard tokens (for candy, staff members, or missed work markers) and various decks of cards too.
The game
A game of Rock Hard: 1977 takes place over a maximum of 9 rounds, each of which represents a typical day in a different month in 1977, from April to December. The first player to reach or exceed 50 fame points or the one who has accumulated the most at the end of the December round wins the game. And how do you get fame? Completing personal goals, signing record contracts and earning royalties, going gigs and visiting trendy venues.
Each round is divided into several phases, in which players will decide where to place their character figures to perform one action or another. Some locations may have requirements or costs and in almost all of them there is only room for a single player, so being the first to reach a location can be decisive. Little by little, as players gain chops and reputation, they will be able to play on larger stages, which will bring them money and fame.

At the beginning of the game, all players start with a job, which they combine with their dedication to music. Going to work will be essential to get money, which is very necessary at the beginning, but it will slow their musical career. Players can miss work, but on the third absence they will be fired.
On the other hand, Rock Hard 1977 has a push your luck component with the candy mechanics. Throughout the game, players will be able to purchase and consume candy to play an additional turn. However, each time they consume a candy they will increase their craving marker and must roll a six-sided die. If the result is lower than the craving level, the low blood sugar indicator is activated, and the player must spend their next day phase in the recovery box.
Points of sale
Essential for true rockers, Rock Hard: 1977 is an ideal proposal for both novice and more experienced players. With intuitive and accessible rules, the game also guarantees many games, having a variety of characters and events. Don't wait any longer and reserve your copy of Rock Hard: 1977 at your local store or our website!