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Step into the shoes of an intrepid desert traveler in Sand!

The golden age of human beings has long passed. No one remembers what was in this vast place, which people refer to only as the desert. A few brave travelers challenge the heat and dunes to transport goods between the last human communities, which survive among the ruins of ancient and splendid cities or in makeshift camp

  1. news, on the front page, actualidad
    Get the exclusive Rock Hard 1977 picks!

    Exclusive free premium picks will be available in Gen Con.

  2. news, on the front page, actualidad
    Become a star in Rock Hard 1977

    Through worker placement and objective resolution mechanics, players will try to achieve the greatest number of fame points and triumph on stage

  3. news, on the front page, actualidad
    Devir is coming to Gen Con!

    One more year, Devir will be rocking hard in Indianapolis, in the biggest tabletop game event in North America